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cFos Personal Net with Perl scripts

There are 4 steps to use Perl scripts with cFos PNet:

  1. Download and install Perl from
  2. Edit the .htaccess file in the directories where your Perl scripts are. Or, to enable Perl scripts globally, edit the .htaccess file in the document root directory or in c:\programdata\cfos\cfospnet\private. Add the following directive:
    AddHandler cgi-script pl
  3. Check all Perl scripts for the correct interpreter line. In CGI scripts the first line of the script file tells the web server where to find the interpreter for that script. Under UNIX often perl is in /usr/bin. So, in all your Perl scripts, change the location of your perl interpreter (after the "!" character):
    #! /usr/bin/perl
    #! c:\perl\perl.exe
    assuming your Perl installation directory is c:\perl.
  4. Configure sendmail. cFos PNet is shipped with the little sendmail.exe to allow UNIX style sending of mails. It takes the smtp parameters configured for cFos PNet in the GLOBAL.INI to send mails via SMTP and accepts the mail as plain text from stdin. Search your Perl scripts for sendmail calls and replace them by a call to cFos PNet's sendmail.exe.
    For example, change
    open (MAIL, "|/usr/bin/sendmail -t -i -oi");
    open (MAIL, "|c:\\program files\\cfos\\cfospnet\\sendmail.exe -t -i -oi");
    where c:\program files\cfos\cfospnet is your cFos PNet installation directory.

cFos Personal Net with PHP and MySQL

These are the steps to use PHP scripts and MySQL with cFos PNet:

  1. Download the thread-safe binaries as ZIP file from Unzip into a PHP directory of your choice, e.g. c:\php.
  2. In the PHP directory, rename php.ini-production to php.ini and edit it:
    1. Set up sendmail. cFos PNet comes with a little sendmail.exe program to allow UNIX style sending of mails. Remove the ";" comment of sendmail_path and change this line to
      sendmail_path=c:\\program files\\cfos\\cfospnet\\sendmail.exe
      assuming c:\program files\cfos\cfospnet is the cFos PNet installation directory.
      You can also use the PHP built-in mail sending features, instead.
    2. Add an "E" to the variables_order, e.g. variables_order = "EGPCS".
  3. Tell cFos PNet where the PHP interpreter is located by adding the key php_interpreter to the section [param] of GLOBAL.INI in c:\programdata\cfos\cfospnet, e.g.
    You need to specify the CGI version of PHP here.
  4. If your PHP scripts use the location of the public directory, such as document_root, you may need to configure it. It is by default c:\programdata\cfos\cfospnet\pub.
  5. Download and install MySQL (e.g. Community Edition, install as "Server Only"), configure an additional user (maybe with db admin rights).
  6. In php.ini under Windows Extensions uncomment
    and change it to

cFos Personal Net with WordPress

  1. Download and install MySQL and PHP.
  2. Configure WordPress database:
    1. Find mysql.exe on your computer and run it with
      > mysql.exe -u admin_username -p
      Enter admin_password
    2. Then issue the following commands:
      CREATE DATABASE pnet_wordpress_db;
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pnet_wordpress_db.* TO "wordpress_username"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "wordpress_password"; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT;
    3. You can delete that database with the mysql.exe and the command DROP DATABASE pnet_wordpress_db;.
  3. Create a subdirectory in your pnet pub tree and copy WordPress from zip archive into it.
  4. Start pnet and run the WordPress install script with your browser:
    and use pnet_wordpress_db, your wordpress_username and wordpress_password to specify the database WordPress should use.

cFos Personal Net documentation