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Enable port forwarding for the Tenda FH1202

The following guide is intended for the latest official firmware Chinese version (US_FH1202V1.0BR_V1.2.0.20(408)_CN_TD.bin).

Tenda FH1202 Step 1

1 Log into your router with your password (default IP: - skip to step 2 if you never set the router password before)

Tenda FH1202 Step 2

2 Click on the "高级设置" (Advanced Settings) text

Tenda FH1202 Steps 3-5

3 Click on the "高级设置" (Advanced Settings) button in the main menu bar on the top

4 Click on "虚拟服务器" (Virtual Servers) in the menu on the left

5 Select "HTTP(80)" from the drop-down and Click the "填充到"(Fill-in) button to fill the External port and Internal port in line 1

Tenda FH1202 Steps 6-8

6 Enter the IP of the computer cFos Personal Net is running on in the "内网IP" (LAN IP Address) field

7 Tick "启用" (Enable) to enable port forwarding

8 Click on the "保存" (Save) button

Tenda FH1202 Step 9

9 Click on the "重启路由器" (Reboot router) button

Port forwarding is now configured for your computer!